Monday, December 20, 2010
Da hacker!
Wuaaa tension..sapa lar yg asyik hacked aku punya facebook n email ni..luckily my blog xkna hacked..aduii lar dh byk kali dh ni..geram plak aku,apa ke dosa aku ni korang nk hacked2 aku plak..bknnya ada rahsia kerajaan pn dlm tu..tgh boring2 lepak2 kt mc'd kl sentral ni nk gk layan fb tp xleh,tulis blog ja lar..kalo lar aku dpt sapa yg hacked aku kul 5.40pg td siap lar kau,aku sunatkan ko skali lg..nk hacked pn jgn r tukar passwood, hacked fb dh r xyah lar smpai nk hacked email aku..mmg bodoh n bangang btol org tu..aishh abg aku ni pun satu,bila nk dtg amek ni..dh sejam melapok kt sni..Dh puas dh aku lepas geram kt sni,chow..huh:@
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
kenye lajok...sepanjang 4 hari berada di kelantan, ni lar ayat paling menarik yang aku belajar...hahahaha...satu hari makan nasi 3x tau...breakfast siap makan nasi kerabu lagi, xpernah2 aku makan nasi berlauk pagi2...hebat2...asyik makan ja sepanjang di kelantan, dah tu rajin lar plak membuangnya, dok keja melawat toilet ja...anyway thanks to Amalina khazani anf family, bagi tempat berteduh dan makan dan juga bawak gi shoping dan jalan2...
agenda sebenarnya nak gi wedding cute Judin dan pasangannya, meme sama cantik dan sama padan...dah lar dua2 sama putih, they look gorgeous in hijau pucuk pisang...hehehe...congrats Judin on your wedding, wish you and your wife happily ever after...
part yang paling xclusivenya balik naek bus Nice, ada 10 ja penumpang...yang xleh blah siap ada pramugara xclusive...
jejak je bumi kuantan trus deme,huhuhu...maybe xsesuai kot dgn cuaca kuantan...demam,selsema,sakit tekak,sakit kepala, meme full package lar...
apa2 pun bersemangat for this new sem...olleeeee
Thursday, December 02, 2010
lonely girl...
why i feel so lonely 2 3 menjak ni?huhuhu...alhamdulillah cuti dah nak habes, can't wait to get back to Kuantan, yippie...i miss my frens so much,hukhukhuk...rutin harian sama aja, tgk CSI n BONES over n over again, hahaha xboring plak tu...I think I will become a successful forensic someday,hahaha...and one more thing i'm good at, cooking n kemas umah and for sure i will become the most successful housewife in the whole world...jeng jeng jeng so who want to marry me???harharhar sooo perasan...tapi dah asyik masak2 ni, asyik makan lar plak...bertambah-tambah lar bebanan badan after ni, sem kena lar bekerja keras sket, to get my stamina back, ada ke pun stamina, lar syndrom bila dah boring sgt2, xdpt dibendung lg...huhuhu i'm so so so lonely...hate this feeling soooooo much,huh...i've done everything, chill out with my girlfren, watching movies, lepak2, jalan2...but inside i feel so lonely...why?syndrom apalar ni,hahaha...lonely syndrom=loneliness...arghh xbleh trus menerus mcm ni, i have to fight...fightooo ooooh...i'm a big big girl, in a big big world, its not a big big thing if i'm lonely...hehehe...
btw can't wait to attend my bro+my good fren wedding...mesti best, i'm so b4 blk Kuantan dpt lar singgah Kelantan dlu...hopefully xlar rasa lonely dah nanti, bleh lar jln2 nnt...hehehe...
p/s:thanks to ayien,slalu teman gi tgk movie n u girl...muahhhh
Sunday, November 28, 2010
live your life...
rainbows...beautiful, isn't it...keluar ja dr exam hall dpt tgk pelangi yg sgt2 cantik...subhanallah, by the will of Allah SWT, bkn saja 1 tp 2 pelangi sekali...tapi kita selalu complain kenapa lar AllahH turunkan hujan yg lebat, tp Dia akan berikan pelangi at the lah kuasa a muslim, we are never satisfied with what we have...
Aku minta kpd Tuhan setangkai bunga segar,
Ia beri kaktus berduri.
Aku minta kupu2,
diberi ulat berbulu.
Aku sedih dan kecewa.
Namun kemudian,
kaktus itu berbunga indah sekali.
Dan ulat itupun menjadi kupu2 yg cantik.
kita selalu meminta-minta tanpa mau berusaha...why we always choose the easy way ? it just bcoz we too lazy...kita selalunya menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba...but we should know that "usaha tangga kejayaan"...we should trust in Allah coz trusting in Him won't make the mountain become smaller, but will make climbing become not ask Allah for a lighter load, but ask Him for a stronger back...may Allah show us the right path...ameeeen
p/s:this message saya tujukan kepada semua dan of course for myself...hehehe
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
i shouldn't have done that
i should've ignore it
like something i couldn't see
like something i can't see
i shouldn't have ever looked at you
i should've ran away
i should've acted like i didn't hear it
like something i couldn't hear, like something i can't hear
i shouldn't have listened to my heart
you showed me love
without words
you gave me your love
without words
you made me hold my breath, waiting for you
but you ran away like this
without word, love leaves me
without a word love throws me away
what should i say next?
my only closed lips were surprise
coming without words
why does it hurt so much?
why does it keep hurting?
except for the fact that you aren't here
though everything is the same
without a word my tears fall
without a word my heart breaks
without word a word i will wait for love
without a word love hurts me
i zone out, i become a fool
because i cry as i look up to the sky
without a word, goodbyes find me
without a word, goodbyes come to me
i couldn't even prepare to send you away
i think my heart was surprise
without a word it came
without a word it went
without a word it left
like the fever before
I'll just hurt for a while
since only scars will be left in the end
i should've ignore it
like something i couldn't see
like something i can't see
i shouldn't have ever looked at you
i should've ran away
i should've acted like i didn't hear it
like something i couldn't hear, like something i can't hear
i shouldn't have listened to my heart
you showed me love
without words
you gave me your love
without words
you made me hold my breath, waiting for you
but you ran away like this
without word, love leaves me
without a word love throws me away
what should i say next?
my only closed lips were surprise
coming without words
why does it hurt so much?
why does it keep hurting?
except for the fact that you aren't here
though everything is the same
without a word my tears fall
without a word my heart breaks
without word a word i will wait for love
without a word love hurts me
i zone out, i become a fool
because i cry as i look up to the sky
without a word, goodbyes find me
without a word, goodbyes come to me
i couldn't even prepare to send you away
i think my heart was surprise
without a word it came
without a word it went
without a word it left
like the fever before
I'll just hurt for a while
since only scars will be left in the end
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
ohhhh ohhhhh balik kampung....
7.30 am : bertolak from uia kuantan dan dinggah makan kat RESTORAN ZAMAN...nak makan nasi lemak pun amek sendri kat dapur,siap beratur lag...hahaha
8.00 am : bertolak pulang ke KEDAH...
1100 pm : sesat di KAJANG,hahahaha....tah mana2 lar sesat tp akhirnya dapat gak cari SG. BULOH...huh lega...jom continue the journey to utara...membebel ja sepanjang perjalanan...
1.00 pm : stop tuk solat and lunch....ujan agak lebat...stop kat rnr TAPAH
sampai ja kat PENANG, tayar keta plak pecah...wuaaaaa so scary...dah lar 2 org gadis yg xpandai tukar tayar keta...huhuhu...lama gak terkandas baru lar ada insan baik ati yg tlong...lepas ja tukar tayar langit bertukar jadi gelap, menandakan hari nak ujan...ujan trun lebat sgt2...60km/hr ja drive...hahaha...akhirnya sampai gak ALOR STAR at b4 tunggu akak dtg pickup,lepak2 dlu kat GIANT....lama gak lar...makan2 kat MARRYBROWN, jln2 shoping tuk raya sok...hehehefinally kul 9.00pm sampai umah...HOME SWEET HOME...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
exam exam exam exam
just one more paper to gooooooo...yeayyyyy....can't wait to finish all the exams...wah 2 minggu yg sgt serabut, mmg serabut..hahaha...i want to go home, meet my family and of course my lovely cat,DORY...can't wait to hangout with my frens too, miss them so much..huhuhu..ya ALLAH, plzz give me strength...i really need it, i still have to deal with my feeling...i thought if i keep myself busy, i will stop thinking about it...but the more i try to forget, the more i remember...kenapa lar benda2 mcm ni terjadi time2 nak exam ni,hahhhh stressss...see how weak i'm becoming from day to day...benci benci benci...xsuka xsuka xsuka...dalam 2 3 minggu ni asyik nausea ja, nak makan pun x lalu and pastu asyik pening2 ja...urmmmmm...yang xbleh blah my frens said maybe kena mandrem....hahahaha tu lar idea paling bangang can they end up with that funny...maybe syndrom exam kot,hahaha....arghhhh nak kena pegi study...pathology...gotta go...byeeee
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
apa dah jadi ni????
emosi jadi xstable...asyk nak marah2...moody...unhappy...sedey...semua bercampur aduk...what is happening to me?...lots of thing happen in the middle of this time...i meet someone, we become fren, then we become a lover and lastly we broke up...this is how the story always begin and ended...arghhhhhhhhhh...but i just can keep screaming in my heart, alone and no one there can hear it, i feel save this way....ya ALLAH, engkau berikanlah kekuatan kepada hambaMu ini untuk meneruskan perjuangan hidup...urmm have u even been in love? horrible, isn't it? it makes u so vulnerable, it opens ur chest and it opens ur heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up..u build up all these defenses...u build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you...then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...u give them a piece of u...they don't ask for it, they do something dumb 1 day and then ur life isn't your own anymore... love takes gets inside u, it eats u out and leaves u crying in the a simple phrase like 'maybe we should just be friends' or 'how very perceptive' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your hurts...not just in the imagination, not just in the's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart's been a month since we broke up but i'm still a miserable little girl...i'm just pretending to be happy infront of my family an frens...honestly i'm impress with myself coz berjaya menjadi seorang yg sgt2 lar hipokrit, i'm used to it now...
Smile and make people think I’m happy
I talk and make people think I love me
I laugh, so they don’t see me cry
I look at them and hide the pain inside
I feel myself dying but they see me survive
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sabah x-ploration
bertolak from LCCT, Kuala Lumpur on 13 April 2010 at 4.00ptg...disebabkan hujan yg agak lebat, flight kami amek kesempatan tu tuk bergambar...hehehe
tp syukur alhamdulillah, kami selamat tiba di Terminal 2 Lapangan Terbang Kota Kinabalu, Sabah at 7.30mlm...dlm kapal terbang sy duduk dgn izza and wani yg menjadi kawan baek sepanjang berada di Sabah...hehehe..kwn2 gosiping...
my tag sepanjang program ni...setibanya di airport kami disambut oleh pelajar UMS...dibawa ke UMS dgn menaiki bus UMS yg juga menjadi bus rasmi sepanjang program ni...kami sgt letih dan lapar tp alhamdulillah kami disambut dgn makanan dan ucapan2 penghargaan dr para pelajar UMS...mlm ini kami suma bermalam di hostel UMS...suma tdo awl coz sok merupakan hari yg sgt mencabar buat kami suma...
keesokan harinya, 14 April 2010...kami bangun awl pagi dan bersiap2 tuk menawan puncak Gunung Kinabalu...sebelum memulakan perjalanan ke Kundasang kami breakfast dlu di UMS...perjalanan ke Kundasang mengambil masa 2jam 30min and view sgt menarik, tertarik dan cantik...kami juga dpt melihat puncak gunung kinabalu di sepanjang perjalanan...terima kasih kpd pakcik bus krn stop ditengah jalan tuk bg peluang mengambil gambar view yg sgt supperb...
tba di Kundasang, kami diberi tag nama...
selepas check in kami bergerak ke Timpohon gate dgn menaiki bus...disini kami diberi taklimat oleh Abg Rijit, salah seorang guide drp 5 guide dlm xpdc menawan gunung kinabalu ini...dari Timpohon gate ke Laban rata jaraknya lebih kurang 6km...inilah pendakian for today...
at the beginning...
3km pertama, pendakian agak lancar tetapi bertukar menjadi sgt2 terganggu krn masalah "perut"...huhuhu...thanks to all my frens yg byk bersabar dgn sy yg sgt2 lar slow...mcm2 cara my frens wat to make me keep hiking...siap ada guide yg offer nak dukung lagi,hehehehe...
in the middle of our journey kami terserempak dgn Mohd Noor, hero negara yg mencipta rekod "mendaki gunung kinabalu sebanyak 104 kali dlm 104 hari"...sgt2 kagum dgn pakcik sorang ni...mmg terbaek lar...malu ja kat dia, nak sampai Laban rata pun terhegeh2...hahaha
disebabkan masalah "teknikal" sy merupakan group terakhir yg sampai,hehehe...kami sampai di Laban rata at 6.00ptg lebih2...setibanya di sana kami disambut oleh kwn2 yg dh lama sampai..lebih mengharukan lg kwn2 melayan sy like a princess,hahaha...ada yg tlong ambilkan makanan, ambilkan air and ubat lg tuk sy, ada yg amekkan agar2...yg plg best ada yg layan and tlong sy amekkan gambar view from Laban rata...thanks frens terharu sgt,huhuhu...mlmnya kami tdo seawal jam 8.00mlm..sebelum tdo mandi dlu tp nasib baek lar ada air panas kalo x menggigil kesejukan lar...tdo mlm pun berlapis2 baju pakai and tdo berhimpit2 dgn kwn sbb sgt2 lar sejuk...
pendakian ke puncak gunung kinabalu bermula seawal 2.00pg...sebelum mendaki kami makan dulu, penting tuk tenaga...perjalanan dari Laban rata ke Low peak lebih kurang 4km...perjalanan sgt2 mencabar coz cuaca yg sgt2 sejuk,huhuhu...makin dekat dgn puncak makin dasyat jadinya, bibir jd kering, sakit kepala and sesak nafas disebabkan berada di kawasan sempat stop tuk tdo lg coz sgt mengantuk,hahaha...disepanjang perjalanan sy berjumpa dgn group from Filipina, Korea and also many people today...
abg Rijit, my hero...disebabkan dia lar akhirnya sampai gak sy kat puncak gunung kinabalu...walaupun diheret, diseret dan ditarik...tapi sy tetap berterimakasih kat abg Rijit...hidup abg u
alhamdulillah setelah menempuhi pelbagai rintangan dan cabaran...finally pada 15 April 2010, at 7.00pg, NOOR ALIAA BT YAZID berjaya sampai di Low's Peak puncak gunung kinabalu dgn ketinggian 4095.2m dr paras laut...sekali lagi thanks to Abg Rijit yg bkn saja tlong tarik sy ke puncak tp juga tlong amekkan gambar2 sy dipuncak,hahaha mmg terbaek lar guide sorang ni, full package kami xleh lama kat puncak tu coz sejuk gilaaaa...
agak malang krn kabus sgt tebal pagi tu, so xberapa nak nampak sgt view from puncak gunung kinabalu...
perjalanan trun ke Laban rata agk mudah berbanding mendaki naik so byk lar gambar yg diamek sepanjang perjalanan...viewnya sgt menarik, subhanallah hebat sungguh ciptaan Allah SWT...
tba di Gunting Lagadan, tempat kami bermalam...sampai ja disini kami trus pack suma barang2 untukmemulakan perjalanan trun ke Timpohon gate... 
i like this...hehehe...
bergambar kenangan sebelum trun dr Laban rata ke Timpohon gate...alhamdulillah kami tba di Timpohon gate around 4.15ptg...walaupun ada seorang kawan yg cedera dan dimasukkan ke hospital tetapi keadaan menjadi terkawal...kami tba di Kota kinabalu town around menginap di Stay-in Lodge and ada yg menginap di Borneo Cabin...
16 April 2010...xtvt tuk harini snorkelling di Pulau Manukan and Pulau Sapi...bus UMS menhantar kami ke Jesselton Point, dr sini kami menaiki bot ke pulau2...pengalaman snorkelling di Sabah xdpt dilupakan, masyallah view dlm laut sgt2 lar cantik rasa mcm nak tinggal ja dlm laut mcm ikan duyung...hahaha...sgt puas ber'snorkelling harini walaupun hujan rintik2...
17 April 2010...for the first time in my life for today nak ber'water rafting di Sg. Padas...yeayyy so xcited...perjalanan dari KK town ke Tenom mengambil masa 3jam dgn menaiki bus...setibanya di Tenom kami menaiki kereta api tuk ke tempat water rafting...kereta api nya agk menarik coz ada tempat yg x berbumbung, so of course lar sy n my frens plih tempat yg xberbumbung, baru adventure...hihihi...dah mcm filming crita hindustan, chalicheyya cheyya cheyya...hahaha...walaupun agak panas tp pengalaman menaiki train xberbumbung xdpt dilupakan...selain tu dpt tgk permandangan Sg. Padas n perkampungan disepanjang sungai...huhhh pengalaman ber'water rafting sooo adventerous...sronok gilaaaa and kami suma selamat tanpa ada sorang pun yg terjatuh...mmg mantap lar...siap request kat pakcik tu nak naek perjalanan pulang ke Tenom xbrapa menarik coz enjin kereta api tba2 rosak, so terpaksa berjalan kaki ke next station...sampai di next station ada satu perkampungan bkn islam, ni satu masalah nak solat pun susah...terpaksa gi minta kat umah org kampung stu tuk berwudhuk...solat pun sambil duduk ats kerusi coz xyakin nak solat kat ats lantai kat stu, manyak anjing maaaa...
18 April hari yg plg xtvt kami berjalan2 di Gaya Street Market and Filipino Market...after puas berjalan2 and shoping, kami check-out dr Stay-in Lodge...yg bestnya today dpt jumpa Abg Hassan and Kak GG...
around 5.00ptg kami bergerak ke UMS lg tuk tgk sunset...seriesly, supperb kot sunset dia...slalu tgk sunrise ja tp harini dpt tgk sunset, eee sronoknyaaaa...mlmnya mkn kat umah Kak GG, and for the first time dpt mkn ambuyat(sejenis mknn traditional org Sabah), siap dpt tgl live lg cara pembuatannya...mlm ni tdo kat UMS lg...
today, 19 April 2010, it is our last day at Sabah...huhuhu...bergambar kenangan di kami melawat Muzium Sabah and lunch at Tanjung Aru...seterusnya pakcik bus menghantar kami ke airport tuk pulang ke semenanjung...we were divided into 2 groups, first group naek flight at 3.30ptg and the other group at naek first flight, so sampai ja kat KLIA we are waiting for the next group...around 8.45mlm kami bergerak pulang ke UIA Gombak...mlmnya sy bermalam di UIA and keesokan pg nya, 20 April 2010, pulang ke Kedah dgn menaiki bus bersama Adha...:)
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